Our Story

In 2012, LA musi­cian Brad Mitchell was on tour in India where he stumbled upon a political protest and over­heard one activist shout “What we need is bread over bombs!”. This line stuck with Brad and inspired him to write an album of politically charged songs which leg­endary producer Tony Visconti vet­ted to help curate an album tracklist (legend has it, via David Bowie).

Brad then assembled an ec­lectic ensemble of musicians from Los Angeles and the Bread Over Bombs album was born. Since its release in 2016, the al­bum has provided over 20,000 meals and counting to Los An­geles Foodbank.

The Bread Over Bombs album is the cornerstone of any local branch’s fundraising. The album is currently available to pur­chase on CD and Vinyl from Love Music Glasgow and Drygate Brewing Co, as well as usual online music stores. We also sell the album at our live events and ensure each foodbank we do­nate to has a copy to spread the word of the work we are do­ing.

Brad Mitchell has kindly agreed to cover all overhead costs that go into producing the album. The charity’s day-to-day run­ning costs are covered by its trustees, meaning that all pro­ceeds on sales are given directly to local food banks.

The album that started it all is available here. We would like to thank Love Music Glasgow for managing our online sales and their ongoing support. The album is also available in person at Love Music Glasgow on Dundas Street and you can donate directly in store too. Just ask for Sandy and he’ll tell you all about the charity and its causes (he knows his stuff!).

What began as an L.A. band that wanted to raise funds for their lo­cal foodbank has grown into Bread Over Bombs – a world­wide network of local charities fighting to eradicate hunger in their communities by raising money through music sales, mer­chandise and live events. Music brings people together like nothing else, so why not use that power and energy to achieve great things in our own communities? The charity has local branches all over the globe from Tokyo to Bristol, through an international net­work of talented board members and volunteers and in 2018, we hit Glasgow for the first time …

Headed by a group of local musicians and music fans, Bread Over Bombs Glasgow have held a number of events over the last 12 months with all proceeds being donated to foodbanks within the Glasgow area. If desired, we work with the artists and venues who provide their time to Bread Over Bombs Glasgow and direct proceeds to a foodbank close to their heart. Since we held our first event in 2018, we have raised over £10,000 for local foodbanks.

We are now looking to expand upon our Glasgow activity by improving our visibility in the city’s vibrant music scene to help raise even more money for local foodbanks.